Pre-Professional Studies at YCP
The Pre-Professional Studies program is designed to prepare you for a variety of medical and other health-related professional schools (Medical, Dental, Veterinary, PA, etc.). In addition to a wealth of science courses, you also have the opportunity to participate in courses offered at York Hospital, medically related activities with the Pre-Medical and Allied Health Society (PMAHS), and research opportunities with faculty. We encourage you to further explore your field of interest by doing volunteer work in hospitals, clinical shadowing and internships.
Health Professions Committee: This committee is composed of faculty members from various disciplines who serve as advisors for students wishing to pursue health-related careers in medicine, dentistry, optometry, etc. Regardless if we are your assigned advisor, you should reach out to these faculty for advice as you plan your career! We will likely be the ones who write your letter of evaluation when you apply to pre-professional programs. Who is currently part of the Health Professions Committee?
Pre-Med Scholars Program: High school seniors can apply to be admitted to the Early Assurance admissions agreement with Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, PA. Applicants should maintain high scholarly achievement and ethical behavior in college and show a continuing commitment to medicine. All students who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply for this special program. Applications are due by April 1.
Undergraduate timeline: A great checklist to make sure you're doing everything you can to prepare... and at the right time!
Course requirements: Outlines the courses you should be taking for most pre-professional programs
Course suggestions for MCAT readiness: A list of suggested courses to help prepare you for the MCAT.
MCAT preparation - a STUDENT perspective: What's the "real deal" with the new MCAT? What do you really need to know and how much time does it actually take to prepare? Find out what one YCP student thinks who's taken the MCAT (and done quite well!).
GPA and MCATs of applicants & acceptances: How does your GPA and MCAT score compare to med school appligcants and acceptees? These grids outline recent data aggregated by the AAMC.
Pre-professional requirements (comparison): Though individual schools might vary, this gives a good snapshot of the requirements for different pre-professional schools.
Admissions exams: Outlines the major admissions exams for medical, dental, veterinary, etc., schools.
Post-baccalaureate (post-bac) Programs: Are your science grades a little low? Could you use an extra year to better prepare for medical school? A post-bac program could be what you're looking for.
Health Professions Links: YCP health professions committee has put together an excellent list of health professional organization websites. Check it out!